week 12: Mirai

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Animated film 'Mirai' is strikingly beautiful and unique film exploring a love passed down through generations. it follows the dynamic of a family when older sibling Kun is introduced to newest member, Mirai ( meaning future) , and has to deal with his increasing jealousy.  After a very typical Childs tantrum, kun storms out of the house in a fit of tears and stumbles into an alternate space where he goes on spectacular adventures with past and present characters revealing the incredible story of his family.
I did'nt get to see Mirai completely through but from the small amount i did get to watch i think the creators of this film did an amazing job at mirroring and perfectly portraying the relationship between siblings and how children are in their most fundamental forms. The way that Kun wants nothing more than to be friends with his little sibling but also help but feel jealous because  all the attention  is no longer solely on himself , and the way he lashes out in the only way he knows which he immediately feels bad for doing is perfect character structure. .Its a heart warming story and i recommend it. But what im curious about is ; why did mirai come back ? why did kun get to see his dog as a person ? what even caused this entire thing to happen? whats the magic behind it all?


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